Get Better. Stay Better.

Physical Therapy for Concussion

Physical Therapy for Concussion

Comprehensive Concussion Management and Rehabilitation

At Capstone Physical Therapy, we understand the complex nature of concussions and their impact on your daily life. Our specialized concussion management and rehabilitation services are designed to help you recover from concussion-related symptoms and safely return to your regular activities.

Our Multidisciplinary Approach

Our expert therapists employ a multidisciplinary approach to address the unique challenges of concussion recovery. We combine various therapeutic techniques, including:

Vestibular Therapy

To address balance issues and dizziness

Cognitive Therapy

To improve memory, concentration, and mental processing

Ocular Motor Therapy

To treat vision-related symptoms

Manual Therapy

To alleviate neck pain and headaches

Gradual Exercise Programs

To safely return to physical activities

Personalized Treatment Plans

Each concussion is unique, and recovery times vary. Our expert therapists will conduct a thorough evaluation to create a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific symptoms, needs, and goals.


Comprehensive Evaluation

Your journey to recovery begins with a thorough evaluation, which may include:

a man doing a functional movement screening test at Capstone Physical Therapy and Fitness
Fitness Consultation-Capstone Fitness

Tailored Treatment Strategies

Based on the results of your evaluation, our therapists will create a personalized treatment plan that may incorporate:


Ongoing Monitoring and Adjustment

Throughout your treatment, we'll continually assess your progress and adjust your plan as needed. This dynamic approach ensures that your therapy evolves with your recovery, optimizing outcomes and helping you return to your normal activities as safely and quickly as possible.

Capstone Physical Therapy and Fitness
sports massage therapy

Collaborative Care

We believe in a team approach to concussion management. When appropriate, we'll collaborate with your referring physician, neurologist, or other healthcare providers to ensure comprehensive care and seamless communication throughout your recovery journey. Our goal is to provide you with a treatment plan that not only addresses your immediate symptoms but also focuses on long-term recovery and prevention of future injuries. We're committed to supporting you every step of the way as you regain your health and confidence.

Our Concussion Rehabilitation Process

Initial Assessment

Comprehensive evaluation of your symptoms and functional limitations

Customized Treatment Plan

Development of a targeted therapy program

Ongoing Monitoring

Regular reassessment of your progress and adjustment of treatment as needed


Providing you with information about concussion management and prevention

Return-to-Activity Guidance

Safe, gradual reintroduction to work, school, sports, and daily activities

When to Seek Concussion Physical Therapy

Concussions can have a wide range of symptoms that may appear immediately after the injury or develop over time. If you’ve experienced a head injury and are experiencing any of the following symptoms, especially if they persist beyond a few days or worsen, our concussion rehabilitation services may be beneficial:

Physical Symptoms

Persistent headaches

Ranging from mild to severe, often described as a pressure in the head

Dizziness or balance problems

Feeling unsteady, lightheaded, or having difficulty maintaining balance

Vision disturbances

Blurred or double vision, difficulty focusing, or rapid eye movements

Sensitivity to light or noise

Discomfort or pain when exposed to bright lights or loud sounds

Nausea or vomiting

Especially in the early stages after injury

Fatigue or sleep disturbances

Feeling excessively tired, having trouble falling asleep, or sleeping more than usual

Cognitive Symptoms

Difficulty concentrating

Trouble focusing on tasks or conversations

Memory issues

Forgetfulness or difficulty retaining new information

Feeling slowed down

Mental fogginess or sluggishness in thinking


Disorientation or difficulty processing information

Emotional and Behavioral Symptoms

Mood changes

Irritability, sadness, nervousness, or anxiety

Emotional reactivity

Becoming easily upset or overwhelmed

Personality changes

Acting out of character or having difficulty controlling emotions

When to Act

Remember, every concussion is unique, and recovery times vary. Even if your symptoms seem mild, it's better to err on the side of caution and get evaluated by a healthcare professional. Early intervention through physical therapy can significantly improve your recovery outcomes and help prevent long-term complications It's crucial to seek professional help if:

Symptoms persist beyond 10-14 days after the injury

Symptoms worsen over time instead of improving
You experience new symptoms that develop days or weeks after the initial injury

Symptoms interfere with your daily activities, work, or school performance

You’re an athlete looking to safely return to your sport

Take the First Step Towards Recovery

Don’t let concussion symptoms hold you back. Our experienced team at Capstone Physical Therapy is here to guide you through your recovery journey. Contact us today to schedule an evaluation and start your path to wellness.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact Capstone Physical Therapy at (215) 677-1149 or visit us our locations here.